according to most neuroscience studies, 82% of the population agrees that their number one fear is public speaking.

number two is death.

Adrià Fontcuberta


Software Engineer at Calidae

Adrià Fontcuberta


Frontend Dev at Calidae

Adrià Fontcuberta


UI Engineer at Calidae

Adrià Fontcuberta


Webmaster at Calidae

Chapter 1

"wat CSS"

body.product .content-body-wrapper.tabs-block .switch
.offer section.accommodation .content-width .accommodation
.select-accommodation-box .list .map { width: 100%; height: 300px; }

body.product .content-body-wrapper.tabs-block .switch .offer
section.accommodation .content-width .accommodation
.select-accommodation-box .list .list-content .items
.accommodation-info #formAccomodation .accommodation-form 
.mealplan .select-price input { display: inline-block }

wat happened, CSS?

CSS Zen Garden happened

.sidebar .design-selection nav ul li a {
  display: inline;

"we are using separation of concerns"

separation of wat?

<div class="remove-product">
    <button class="remove">...
.remove-product {
  > h1 { ... }
  > div {
      img { ... }
      p { ... }
  > div {
    > button {
      &.remove { ... }

The "P" in CSS stands for "Principles"

The worst part about front-end development was that the other people solving your problems were front-end developers.

Adam Morse


1) HTML and CSS are too coupled.

2) CSS is not reusable.

<div class="remove-product">

content-semantic classes is not a good idea.

Chapter 2


1) decouple CSS from HTML.

2) from semantic CSS to visual CSS.

<div class="remove-product">
    <button class="remove">...
<div class="remove-product">
  <h1 class="remove-product-title">
  <div class="remove-product-body">
    <img class="remove-product-image">
    <p class="remove-product-message">
  <div class="remove-product-buttons">
    <button class="remove">
<div class="modal">
  <h1 class="modal-title">
  <div class="modal-body">
    <img class="modal-icon">
    <p class="modal-message">
  <div class="modal-buttons">
    <button class="btn primary">
    <button class="btn">

what if...

.modal-messages {
  .modal-icon { ... }
  .modal-message { ... }
.alert-content {
  .alert-img { ... }
  .alert-text { ... }
.text-with-icon {}
.icon-text {}

The media object is an image to the left, with descriptive content to the right.

Nicole Sullivan

<div class="modal">
  <h1 class="modal-title">
  <div class="modal-body">
    <img class="modal-icon">
    <p class="modal-message">
  <div class="modal-buttons">
    <button class="btn primary">
    <button class="btn">
<div class="modal">
  <h1 class="modal-title">
  <div class="media">
    <img class="media-img">
    <p class="media-body">
  <div class="modal-buttons">
    <button class="btn primary">
    <button class="btn">
<div class="media alert">
  <img class="media-img">
  <p class="media-body alert-content">

our CSS classes were now reusable across projects.

a component made of components.

modal = media + button + card + ...

we were not building pages anymore.

we were building components of a system.

from styling pages to creating design systems.


Design systems




Principles: Spacing should help establish relationship between elements.

Rules: Spacing values must be proportional.

Constraints: Only 5 spacing values available.

$baseline: 6px;
$unit-factor-tiny:   1;
$unit-factor-small:  2;
$unit-factor:        4;
$unit-factor-large:  8;
$unit-factor-huge:  16;
$spacing-unit-tiny  =  $baseline * $unit-factor-tiny;  // 6px
$spacing-unit-small =  $baseline * $unit-factor-small; // 12px
$spacing-unit       =  $baseline * $unit-factor;       // 24px
$spacing-unit-large =  $baseline * $unit-factor-large; // 48px
$spacing-unit-huge  =  $baseline * $unit-factor-huge;  // 96px

❤️ backends

what about file structure?

what about naming?


Inverted Triangle CSS

(by Harry Roberts)



$baseline: 6px;

$unit-factor-tiny:   1;
$unit-factor-small:  2;
$unit-factor:        4;
$unit-factor-large:  8;
$unit-factor-huge:  16;


.media { ... }

.media-img { ... }

.media-body { ... }


.modal { ... }

.modal-buttons { ... }

you get the idea.


(Block - Element - Modifier)

.block {}

.block__element {}

.block--modifier {}
.block__element--modifier {}
.person {}

.person__eyes {}

.person--tall {}
.person__eyes--blue {}

last question:

how do we differentiate objects, components and utilities?


Objects (.o-)

Components (.c-)

Utilities (.u-)


.o-media { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; }

.o-media__body { flex: 1; }

.o-media__image { margin-right: $spacing-unit; }

.o-media--large .o-media__image { margin-right: $spacing-unit-large; }
<div class="c-card c-card--rounded">
  <h1 class="c-card__header u-text-hairline">
  <div class="c-card__body">
    <div class="o-media o-media--center u-padding">
      <img class="o-media__img">
      <p class="o-media__body u-text-h5 u-text-hairline">
    <div class="c-card__footer c-card__footer--between">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn--ghost">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn--primary">
<div class="c-card c-card--rounded">
  <h1 class="c-card__header u-text-hairline">
  <div class="c-card__body">
    <div class="o-media o-media--center u-padding">
      <img class="o-media__img">
      <p class="o-media__body u-text-h5 u-text-hairline">
    <div class="c-card__footer c-card__footer--between">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn--ghost">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn--primary">

it looks weird.

death by repetition

.o-media--large .o-media__image {
  margin-right: $spacing-unit-large; }
.c-list_item--large {
  margin-right: $spacing-unit-large; }
.c-actions-list__item {
  margin-right: $spacing-unit-large; }
.u-margin-right-large {
  margin-right: $spacing-unit-large !important;

Flexbox utilities

Padding and margin utilities

Width and height utilities

Text sizes, colors, styles and weights

Chapter 3

utility-first CSS.

create a lot of small, reusable, focused CSS classes, and use them to build your UI.

<div class="u-padding u-border-radius u-background-white u-shadow-large">
  <h1 class="u-padding u-text-hairline">
  <div class="u-padding-vertical-small">
    <div class="o-media u-flex-items-center u-padding">
      <img class="o-media__img">
      <p class="o-media__body u-text-h5 u-text-hairline">
    <div class="u-padding-small u-background-dark-gray
                u-flex u-flex-justify-between">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn--ghost">
      <button class="c-btn u-background-primary">


inline styles?

it is possible to build a whole new component without writing a single line of CSS.

Wrapping up

"a lot of things happened in 40 minutes"

Normandy CSS

Scss + ITCSS + BEM + Namespaces


Next steps

JS + CSS = 💖?

Shadow DOM (Scoped CSS)

(Our) Learnings

  • Use software principles.
  • Use visual-based class naming.
  • Think in terms of Design Systems.
  • Utility-first. Abstract out components.
  • Agree on structure, naming, principles...

Thank you !

What questions do you have?

(ask me anyting! @afontcu_ on Twitter)
